Diving Deeper into Aware Parenting in English?
Do you want to …
Help a child process emotions and events?
Create emotional safety?
Help your child heal birth trauma?
Know more about children’s natural ability to release stress?
Help your child lovingly when he cries or is angry?
Use play to help children heal or to understand their inner world?
Minimalize the effect of your own childhood hurts on raising your child?
Be a loving parent?
then join the 1 day workshop
ages 0-10 years
Saturday April 1, 2023
Location: on Zoom
11-18 CEST
(amsterdam time)
maximum 20 spots available
This workshop is for parents and professionals.
It also meets the requirements for the procedure of becoming an instructor.
Chris Muller, MSc
Aware Parenting regio coordinator Netherlands
Counsellor & Coach in Transactional Analysis
workshop at April 1
€225 per gezin
Low income ticket €75 per family
If you want to join but cannot afford this because you live below the poverty line in a developing nation,
please send me an email here.
maximum 14 families
The workshop is with me (Level 2 Instructor) and meets one of the certification requirements to become an Aware Parenting Instructor. The workshop contains a number of exercises. There is also plenty of time for questions. (Questions about becoming an instructor?? CLICK HERE to ask me questions)
What do others say?
Chris is serene and calm, so I felt pretty quickly at ease. There was an open conversation with room for everyone to share. Chris gave nice examples; it made the content more concrete. She was very friendly. A very pleasant workshop. I was already partly familiar with the matter, but it was nice to embody it more deeply through the exercises. I have a better view now, of signal-behavior and control-patterns. I now see how by ignoring your fatigue, you are losing the connection with yourself. Definitely do the workshop! (But make sure you prepare well!)
It was so lovely and pleasant! A good variation between theory, connecting with yourself and connecting with the others. Chris was warm, loving and professional! I find the way that Chris creates connection and shares information, very pleasant. I’ll took definitely a lot home! For example, how I can see behavior as signal-behavior instead of problem-behavior. The influence of pregnancy, labour and the postpartum period and how it is relevant to ask more about it. Create more space to release emotions. The benefits of using play. I absolutely recommend the Deep Dive!
Very nice! Chris is warm and friendly, so you’ll immediately feel safe and comfortable. She explains the theory well and clear. She also creates a connection between the theory and practice. I now see more clearly how I can create the connection with myself and after that, also with my son. How I can give more attention to emotions. The workshop has a lot of time and space for personal experiences. I found the workshop very well structured. The way you involve people is impressive! Congratulations on that. People, just do this workshop! You will take so much information home that you can implement directly, in as well as a professional, as a parent.
is based on

secure attachment
Attachment / Natural Parenting
No punishments & No rewards
Unconditional Parenting, Democratic Parenting
processing stress and trauma
for our children and ourselves
This workshop is for
parents and professionals (for example, coaches, therapists, teachers and doctors) who want a deeper understanding of Aware Parenting.
People who want to become Aware Parenting Instructor. (questions? Click here)
raising / working with children 0 – 12 year
Aware Parenting is based on trust. Letting children grow up safely and confidently. This also includes the assumption that children are born ‘good’. It means children really want to do their best and work with us; they want to belong. Children really don’t want to “misbehave” or make life difficult for others.
Arguing, hurting people or getting angry is not what they want in their hearts. Even though it sometimes looks like it, it is a sign that they are experiencing inside a lot at that time, so they no longer succeed in cooperating and behaving in a more loving way.
Stress, trauma, an unsafe or unstable environment and insecure attachment have a huge effect on children (and especially highly sensitive children) and can lead to behavioural problems concerning attachment, sleep, eating, concentration, hyperactivity, aggressive behavior, depression, physical illness and more.
Stress can come from small things that happen during daily life, such as a less serious doctor’s visit, but also larger events such as birth trauma, divorce of the parents or now the situation around corona. Fortunately, children’s natural release mechanism, knows how to handle this.
Children have a natural ability to heal stress and trauma, by discharging the feelings through laughter, crying and raging. We can guide and support children in this, so that they can come back to their natural state of joy and connection.
What do others say..
It was very valuable. You are enthusiastic, receptive, clear, emphatic, understanding and capable. It generated a lot of new insights with me; the importance of connection, with yourself and with your child. The effect of the trauma of birth. I find it beautiful and valuable experience to hear about mothers’ processes in this. I would surely recommend it to my own parents. Thank you for sharing your experience and your knowledge!
Lovely, insightful workshop: a lot of theory passed by, there were beautiful exercises and it was interesting to hear which struggles everyone is dealing. You’re doing it super! The way you explain the theory is nice and very clear. There was enough variation with exercises. Reflecting on our own, keeps being valuable. For me it became clear which need is the most important to me. I also see the control patterns of my daughter more clearly now. As well as my relationship with sleep and how that translates to the sleep of my daughter. This workshop should be done by every parent. Just do it, it’s super valuable!
Chris works in a very pleasant way; she is very calm and gives people space. I found the workshop very useful, especially the insight how to create more connection with myself. I want to further research where my own needs come from and spend more 1-on-1 time with my children. This workshop contains a lot of insights and looks at different alternatives to the most obvious tools like punishment and time outs. So worth it!
Who is Chris?
Chris is driven by an enormous commitment to help children grow up in a loving, joyful and safe environment. She does this by working with parents and helps them to let their parenthood no longer be determined by social concepts, doubts or fear, but she lets them experience that it is a journey of discovery into themselves and a loving connection with their family.
She creates a loving human environment in which parents and their families are challenged and equipped to discover new perspectives and possibilities and add those to their well-known parenting toolset. Through coaching, counseling, training, practices, enlightening information and deep insights, Chris helps conscious parents parent their child with safety and love, into strong, loving adults who are comfy being their authentic selves.
23 years ago, at the age of 20, Chris read the book The Aware Baby by Dr. Aletha Solter. Together with Alice Miller’s book, The Drama of the Gifted Child, these became her 2 favourite books.
Chris holds a Master of Science in Psychology, is an Aware Parenting Instructor level 2 (educator) and is a Counselor in Transactional Analysis (BTA). She also practices meditation from the age of 14 and (Transformative) Yoga from when she was 16. She has followed numerous workshops and courses in Aware Parenting, Nonviolent Communication with Children, TA in relationships, family constellations, Babywearing and Pikler Speelruimte (RIE, Gerber, Janet Lansbury). Chris works a lot with her intuition.
Over the years she has helped and guided thousands of parents towards more connection with their children, themselves and with their partner and more fun and flow in their family. She does this through workshops, online courses, blogs and articles in various media and coaching and training programs. Like no other, she can revive a parent’s love and pleasure. In addition, Chris sees the voice of the heart of the child through everything, both in your son or daughter, as well as that of the child in you the adult.
In this workshop:
How birth trauma affects the behavior and emotions of a baby and child.
how you can help process these.
How you create emotional safety.
Which natural stress release mechanisms are and how to use them.
The way in which play helps.
How to listen lovingly when your child is crying or angry.
How to lovingly set limits.
The influence of your own childhood on raising your child.
Dive deeper into Aware Parenting
become an Instructor?
then this WORKSHOP
is for you!
What others say..
I experienced the workshop totally in presence. It was a great repetition of and addition on what I knew and a deeper dive into the beautiful waters of my inner self. Thank you Chris! You were amazing, aligned, cheerful and playful… Fully yourself! It was nourishing for whole my being, to work on and to go live my dream. I recommend this workshop to everyone!
workshop at April 1
€225 per gezin
Low income ticket €75 per family
maximum 14 families
The workshop is with me (Level 2 Instructor) and meets one of the certification requirements to become an Aware Parenting Instructor. The workshop contains a number of exercises. There is also plenty of time for questions. (Questions about becoming an instructor?? CLICK HERE to ask me questions)

photography by kim captein